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At Wath Victoria Primary School, we encourage all of our children to enjoy being writers.


We aim to deliver engaging, purposeful lessons which allow the children to express themselves clearly in a range of written styles and genres. We believe that the learning of writing skills should be embedded across the curriculum.


The key skills of planning, composing, evaluating, spelling, handwriting, presentation, grammar and punctuation are taught explicitly in the context of English lessons but also indirectly through cross-curricular writing tasks in other subjects. 


Children have the opportunity to take part in whole class shared writing, guided writing and independent writing tasks throughout each half term. Inspiring texts, poems and visual literacy units are carefully chosen with the aim of inspiring our children to become writers. Children’s interests and passions are taken into account when selecting texts and outcomes are planned to provide a meaningful purpose for the completed piece of work.


In addition to writing composition in English lessons, children also are provided with explicit spelling lessons (using the No Nonsense Spelling programme) and handwriting lessons (using Letterjoin handwriting resources). Information about those can be found using the links below.


Click here for our English policy and Handbook


Here are some of the schemes we use:-

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