Our Curriculum at Wath Victoria
At Wath Victoria we believe that children have an entitlement to high quality curriculum with the aim to develop a breadth of knowledge, increased cultural capital and with reading at the heart of everything we do.
We provide a reading rich environment throughout school. Children in all classes enjoy novels read by the class teacher, participate in guided reading sessions, whole class shared reading, individual reading and reading across other areas of the curriculum. This gives the children the opportunity to develop prosody and extend their vocabulary, whilst learning a variety of other reading skills. Rigorous planning for reading enables children to develop and enhance comprehension skills. Carefully matched decodable phonics books are used for guided reading with children who are accessing phonics lessons.
At Wath Victoria, we follow a mastery approach to maths. This enables the children to become confident when using their maths skills. We do this through encouraging the use of practical resources, pictures and varied representations of problems, as well as through discussing their thinking and reasoning. Children are encouraged to make connections between different areas of mathematics so they are able to make independent decisions when solving problems.
In writing, we aim to deliver engaging, purposeful lessons which allow the children to express themselves clearly in a range of written styles and genres. We believe that the learning of writing skills should be embedded across the curriculum. The key skills of planning, composing, evaluating, spelling, handwriting, presentation, grammar and punctuation are taught explicitly in the context of English lessons but also indirectly through cross-curricular writing tasks in other subjects.
In the wider curriculum, We have adapted the Chris Quigley Creative Themes for Learning to deliver a two-year curriculum which is designed to deepen and broaden children’s knowledge and understanding in history and geography. Each block has a history, geography or D.T. focus theme which is the core element of the block with English novels and other curriculum areas matched to suit where strong cross-curriculum links are possible. If this is not possible, these are taught discretely. History, Geography and D.T. are dedicated more teaching time when they are the core element of a block with subjects such as MFL taught each block with less teaching time. This allows for a broad range of subjects to be covered over a year.
Our curriculum vision:
We are passionate about creating a love of learning and aim to provide a curriculum that will challenge and engage pupils, encouraging them to think critically and use their imagination. We are building a curriculum in which pupils will acquire knowledge, understanding and a wide vocabulary, where they can find their own voice and build a sense of pride in themselves.
Our whole school curriculum map for our thematic learning can be found here.
Our curriculum design statement and rationale can be found by clicking here.
Alongside our taught academic curriculum, we have an 'entitlements curriculum'. This is in place to offer our pupils a wide range of cultural and social experiences to enhance their taught curriculum. Details of this can be found here.
We teach some of our curriculum using a 'daily dashboard' approach so that children have repeated, regular exposure to some subject knowledge. An example of our daily dashboard curriculum can be found here.
The intent, implementation and impact of our curriculum can be found here.