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Online Safety

We take the online safety of our pupils very seriously. Pupils have regular lessons around keeping themselves safe when using the internet, social media or gaming. Our PSHE scheme builds this into the weekly lessons and we have visits from Ann Foxley-Johnson from the anti-bullying company. We use Safer Internet Day as a way of promoting the messages about online safety and our Y6 pupils attend Crucial Crew where they learn to manage risks for themselves. One day in every block of learning is dedicated to building and embedding children's understanding of online safety.

Online Safety

Parents play a huge part in supporting our work around online safety. Here are some links and guides that may help you to help your child.


Suggested Apps

Online Safety

What parents need to know about….

Does you child have access to any of the following? Do you know what the dangers are? Age limits? Tips on how to change their safety settings?

Click on the image for a clearer view of the information and support.
images from :

Useful Links

National Centre for Gaming Disorders

NSPCC  Keeping Children Safe Online




 Online Safety Newsletter


Big Deal


 Online Safety


CEOP Safety Centre



Vodafone Digital Parenting 


Think U Know


 Reporting Online Safety Concerns

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