Our school's aims

The school staff team and the governing body have worked together to agree the following school aims
To continue to raise attainment and accelerate the progress of all groups of children in school.
To help children acquire knowledge, skills, understanding and a love of learning within and beyond the framework of the National Curriculum.
To support all children, and their families, to achieve their full potential in a safe, secure and stimulating learning environment.
To encourage our children to be proud of their achievements, develop a sense of belonging and become resilient, independent and creative learners who are confident to ask challenging questions.
To create a community where we are all learners together, sharing ideas, innovations and best practice, as we strive for excellence.
We are a research informed and a research engaged learning community. We aim to use the most up to date research to inform our practice and help our school to continually improve. We are currently using and applying research from cognitive science in teaching and learning, trauma-informed practices, maths mastery, explicit vocabulary teaching and EEF research into the teaching of writing, into our daily practices.